Today’s News 3-22-2022

Posted by in 'News'
March 22nd, 2022

Jackson says she doesn’t have a position on allowing cameras in the Supreme Court

(Just The News – Sophie Mann and Nicholas Ballasy) *Lead Story*

Stormy Daniels Forced To Pay Trump Massive Sum After Losing Appeal

(Daily Caller – Harry Wilmerding) *Must Read*

Judge Jackson Wants to ‘Meld’ American Law with CRT, Social Justice

(Townhall – Spencer Brown)

A Trump-Hating Backer of Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee Is Married to the Top J6 Prosecutor

(American Greatness – Julie Kelly)

San Francisco’s Out of Control Crime No Longer Deniable

(Powerline – Steven Hayward)

Lambda Literary Awards Reject LGBTQ Author After She Defended a Friend Accused of Transphobia

(Reason – Robby Soave)

Mother of trans teenager: Los Angeles County killed my daughter

(Washington Examiner – Tori Richards)

Portland Children’s Hospital Gives Kids Tips on ‘Tucking’ and Sex Shops

(PJ Media – Victoria Taft)

California School Exit

(Frontpage Mag – Larry Sand)

Parents Revolt at Westminster Schools in Atlanta Over ‘Critical Social Justice’ Political Activism, File IRS Complaint

(Legal Insurrection – Paul Rossi)

Self-censorship rampant across academia, institutions even among liberals

(Post Millennial – Nick Monroe)

Newsguard Advisory Board Member Michael Hayden Yet to Retract Biden Laptop ‘Russian Disinfo’ Claim

(Breitbart – Allum Bokhari) *Must Read*

Why Hasn’t James Clapper Been Stripped of His Clearances?

(Red State – Scott Hounsell)

Globalist Agency Calls for Energy Lockdowns including Banning Cars on Sundays to Achieve Climate Goals

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Alberta Oil

( – Sharyl Attkisson) *Must Read*

Media Research Center Welcomes The Heritage Foundation to Free Speech Alliance

(NewsBusters – Catherine Salgado)

Fed chairman says inflation is ‘much too high,’ is prepared to address it through continued rate hikes

(The Blaze – Samuel Mangold-Lenett)

Investigations of 2020 ballot mischief gain momentum in Georgia, Wisconsin

(Washington Times – Susan Ferrechio)

Daily Wire Launches Razor Company, Takes Aim At ‘Woke’ Harry’s Razors

(Daily Wire – Tim Meads)

CDC Tells New York Times It Hid Covid Data For Political Reasons

(The Federalist – David Gortler)

Faroe Islands: The Tiny Country that Rejected Lockdowns

(Brownstone Institute –  Thorsteinn Siglaugsson) *Bonus Story*


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