Today’s News 6-5-2023

Posted by in 'News'
June 5th, 2023

Minnesota moves to allow trans-identified male inmates to be housed in women’s prisons

(Post Millennial – Katie Daviscourt) *Lead Story*

Congressional regulation of AI?

(Hot Air – Jazz Shaw) *Must Read*

No Forgiveness For Pandemic Sins Until The Guilty Repent

(The Federalist – John Daniel Davidson)

Don’t Bring Back Public Housing

(Reason – Steven Greenhut)

FBI Shielded Two Firms Tied to Chinese Communist Regime That Holds US Voter Data in Mainland China

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft) *Must Read*

Reparations Now!

(Powerline – John Hinderaker)

WashPost Op-Ed: ‘Let’s Celebrate’ as Migrants Replace Americans

(Breitbart – Neil Munro)

Milley Personally Wrote Iran Invasion Plan, Pushed Trump to Attack

(PJ Media – Ben Bartee)

Lawsuit: Academia’s DEI Hiring Statements are “Modern-Day Loyalty Oaths”

(Legal Insurrection – Terrance Kible)

Biden State Dept. to Spend $12 Million Teaching Climate Change, Gender Studies in Iraq

(Red State – Ben Kew)

Amazon Facing $30 Million Fine for Ring Privacy Violations

(Restore Privacy – Heinrich Long)

Congress probing if FBI used ‘Russian disinformation’ claim to shut down Biden inquiries

(Just The News – John Solomon)

The Strange Pandemic of ‘White’ Disparagement

(American Greatness – Victor Davis Hanson) *Must Read*

Moms for Liberty is an example of parents protecting their children in school

(Washington Examiner – Adam Carrington)

Talking to Ann Coulter About a Woke Military’s 43% Quota for White Men

(FrontPage Mag – Daniel Greenfield)

As South Africa collapses, it opts for full, anti-white apartheid

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg) *Must Read*

GOP 2024 Candidates Are United On One Thing: Opposing Sex Changes For Minors

(Daily Caller – Diana Glebova)

Conflicts of interest among Dietary Guidelines advisers

( – Sharyl Attkisson)

Let’s Bankrupt All the Pride Sponsors (With Joy and Conviction)

(American Spectator – Itxu Díaz)

Chinese destroyer tests U.S. nerves in Taiwan Strait

(Washington Times – Andrew Salmon) *Must Read*


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