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Posts Tagged ‘Alexandra Gaiser and Rachelle Peterson’

Today’s News 3-29-2023

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March 29th, 2023

‘State-Sanctioned Kidnapping’: California Dems Approve Plan To Let Kids Enroll in Group Homes Without Parental Consent

(Washington Free Beacon – Susannah Luthi) *Lead Story*

Welcoming Our New Chatbot Overlords

(Reason – Ronald Bailey) *Must Read*

Useless Minds

(PJ Media – Richard Fernandez)

Tucker predicted it…just last week

(Hot Air – David Strom)

The carefully planned Nashville shooting coincides with a so-called ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg)

FBI Isn’t Treating Nashville Shooting As Domestic Terrorism

(Daily Caller – Luke Rosiak)

If You Don’t Publish This Manifesto, Publish None of Them

(National Review – Dan McLaughlin)

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders files lawsuits against TikTok, Meta for exposing children to ‘a world of inappropriate, damaging content’

(The Blaze – Candace Hathaway)

Time to End the Veil of Secrecy Inside D.C. Kangaroo Court

(American Greatness – Julie Kelly)

James O’Keefe Strikes Again! O’Keefe Media Group Exposes MASSIVE Democrat Party Money Laundering Scheme in US Elections

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Why Conservative Outpost King’s College In Manhattan Must Be Saved

(The Federalist – Alexandra Gaiser and Rachelle Peterson)

Godwin’s Law Goes Woke: UT-Austin Prof Says Objecting To Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Is “Modern Day Lynching”

(Legal Insurrection – William A. Jacobson) *Must Read*

Thought for the Day: Charles Murray on Identity Politics

(Powerline – Steven Hayward)

China to have 150 more ships than US by 2028 under Biden budget, Navy secretary admits

(Washington Examiner – Joel Gehrke)

Biden Regime Even Wanted to Censor PRIVATE Text Messages

(FrontPage Mag – Robert Spencer)

DHS heavily redacted Disinformation Board emails despite claiming agency had nothing to hide

(Just The News – Nick Givas and John Solomon)

What Were The Dems Thinking? They Just Handed Trump His Biggest Endorsement Since Michael Moore

(Daily Caller – Michele Gama Sosa) *Must Read*

Phoenix Judge Orders City to Clean Up Sprawling Homeless Encampment Threatening Local Businesses

(Hot Air – Kira Davis)

The Reopening Racket

(Brownstone Institute – Jeffrey A. Tucker)

GAO report unpacks why food prices are rising

(Washington Times – Jennifer Harper)

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