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Posts Tagged ‘Breccan F. Thies’

Today’s News 10-13-2023

Posted by
October 13th, 2023

Democrat Cities Are Preparing for Violent Hamas Protests

(Townhall – Sarah Arnold) *Lead Story*

Pro-Hamas Student Group At UCLA Advertised ‘Teach-In’ With Two Professors Ahead Of Campus Rally Supporting Hamas

(Daily Caller – James Lynch) *Must Read*

Another Hostage Crisis Bedevils an American President

(Reason – Matt Welch)

Democrat Election Clerk Gives BOMBSHELL Testimony in Court, Admitting She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hᴏft)

The Hilarious AP Double-Standard on Voting Box Fraud – A Concern for Dems, but a Conspiracy for GOP

(Red State – Brad Slager)

Joy Reid and Her Guests Blame Israel for Hamas Massacre

(Legal Insurrection – Karen Bekker)

Hamas and Amoral Clarity

(American Greatness – Victor Davis Hanson) *Must Read*

Hamas makes it clear that Israel isn’t the only target; it’s just the first target

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg)

If Biden Really Wants to Help Israel, He Must Stop the War on American Energy Now

(Hot Air – Stephen Moore)

5.7 million non-detained migrants in US, ICE reports — ‘at a minimum’; taxpayer-funded program will provide medical services, housing

(The Blaze – Candace Hathaway)

Federal law gives illegals free hotels and travel, but charges Americans for flights out of Israel

(Just The News – Ben Whedon) *Must Read*

Court: No Evidence Georgia’s Election-Integrity Law Discriminates Against Black Voters

(The Federalist – Shawn Fleetwood)

Steve Scalise Drops Out of Race for Speaker

(PJ Media – Matt Margolis)

BlackRock Steve: FEC Records show Scalise Took Massive BlackRock Donations

(National File – Charles Downs)

House GOP launches inquiry into Biden ATF gun sales rule: ‘Universal gun registry’

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

Civil Asset Forfeiture, Policing for Profit

(News With Views – Paul Engel)

Steve Garvey Runs for the Senate in California

(National Review – Dan McLaughlin)

Soft-on-Crime Prosecutors Have Led to the Return of … Pirates in American Waters?

(Daily Signal – James Di Pane and Erin Leone)

A Doctor Cannot Give his Professional Opinion?

(Brownstone Institute – Armando Simón) *Must Read*

Hannity grills RFK Jr. on lefty record, RNC exposes ‘Radical Democrat’

(World Net Daily – Peter LaBarbera)

Today’s News 9-4-2023

Posted by
September 4th, 2023

Arming the 14th Amendment Against Trump Voters

(American Spectator – David Catron) *Lead Story*

‘Racist’ Is the Mainstream Media’s Latest Sad Attempt to Smear Ron DeSantis

(PJ Media – Chris Queen) *Must Read*

Fani Willis allegedly knows she’s wrongfully charged two defendants

(American Spectator – Andrea Widburg)

Liberals Joe Rogan, Bill Maher blast progressive politics, question BLM, slam childhood mutilation, say woke activists are like KKK

(The Blaze – Paul Sacca)

Dr. Marty Makary Criticizes ‘Highly Partisan’ Experts For Changing Medical Community During Pandemic

(Daily Wire – Brandon Drey)

New Jersey Mayor Ambushes James O’Keefe After He Outs School Board Officials For Calling Police on Citizens Who Look “Trumpish”

(Gateway Pundit – Cristina Laila) *Must Read*

Giant Grift: Biden administration has only recovered a few of the $280 billion in stolen COVID aid

(Just The News – John Solomon)

Thousands of US children underwent gender transition: Study

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies,)

Caltech Drops Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics Course from Admissions Requirement

(Legal Insurrection – Mike LaChance)

Only Thing Today’s Avant-Garde ‘Artists’ Challenge is Our Patience

(American Greatness – Roger Kimball)

“Billionaire City” in California may not go forward

(Hot Air – Jazz Shaw)

Eric Adams uses NYPD drones to spy on backyards as J’ouvert, West Indian Day parties commence

(Post Millennial – Darian Douraghy) *Must Read*

Selective Outrage is a Real Outrage

(FrontPage Mag – Derek Hunter)

Publisher Gannett calls timeout on high school sports writing AI experiment

(Washington Times – Brad Matthews)

Report: 90% of Online Content May Be AI-Generated Garbage by 2026

(Breitbart – Lucas Nolan)

We Are More Than Our Data

(City Journal – Fred Bauer) *Must Read*

Is the EATS Act a Lifeline for Struggling Farmers or a Threat to Animal Welfare?

(Red State – Jeff Charles)

New Discoveries In Climate Science

(Power Line – John Hinderaker)

New York Times Column Strains to Find Nefarious Reason Conservatives Oppose Chinese Totalitarianism

(Daily Signal – Tyler O’Neil)

Court smacks down FDA’s ivermectin warnings: ‘FDA is not a doctor’

( – Sharyl Attkisson)

Today’s News 8-30-2023

Posted by
August 30th, 2023

Watch This Mom Absolutely Rip a School Staffer Who Was Offended By Her Son’s Backpack Badge

(Townhall – Matt Vespa) *Lead Story*

California state lawmaker claims school district’s gender-identity parental notification policy is a Christian nationalist power grab

(The Blaze – Alex Nitzberg) *Must Read*

12-Year-Old Boy Removed From School Over ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Patch

(Reason – Robby Soave)

Are These Our Locust Years?

(FrontPage Mag – Bruce Thornton)

Under Pressure, Pentagon Restricts Program That Allows Colleges With CCP Outposts To Receive Taxpayer Funds

(Washington Free Beacon – Adam Kredo)

Rep. Mike Gallagher Takes Point on Covert CCP Bailout

(American Greatness – Frank Gaffney)

Media Use Racist Shooting To Smear Ron DeSantis — And Chill Debate

(The Federalist – David Harsanyi)

Canadian Father Jailed After ‘Misgendering’ Daughter Lands Win In Appeal Court

(Daily Wire – Amanda Prestigiacomo)

Award Shows Aren’t for You, Conservatives

(PJ Media – Megan Fox)

Over 100 Former Clerks Come to Defense of Justice Clarence Thomas Following Relentless Attacks by Democrats

(Gateway Pundit – Mike LaChance)

As More Countries Link Arms With China, Is US Dollar Dominance Truly At Risk?

(Daily Caller – Will Kessler) *Must Read*

Cashing in on Green: Google to Sell Mapping Data to Renewable Energy Companies

(Breitbart – Lucas Nolan)

Hawaiian Electric Claims It ‘De-Energized’ the Power Lines Hours Before Second Maui Wildfire

(Legal Insurrection – Leslie Eastman)

Biden, Obama must approve release of alias emails

(Washington Times – Susan Ferrechio)

Key Homeland Security agency deemed ill equipped to fight fast-growing homeland threat

(Just The News – Steven Richards)

3M ‘forever chemicals’ settlement advances, but some AGs unhappy with payout

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

The seriously dark side of AI will likely come from DHS

(Hot Air – Jazz Shaw) *Must Read*

DC Judge Chutkan claims Trump’s attorneys should have prepared defense, reviewed evidence BEFORE he was charged by DOJ

(Post Millennial – Hannah Nightingale)

Burger King Faces Lawsuit for Allegedly Telling ‘Whopper’ About the Size of Its Burgers

(Red State – Jeff Charles)

Are We Facing Lockdowns 2.0?

(Brownstone Institute – Jeffrey A. Tucker) *Must Read*

Trump, Tucker, and the New Committees of Correspondence

(AMAC – Shane Harris) *Reader Suggested Story*

Americans are unwittingly financing the CCP. It has to stop

(Washington Post – Mike Gallagher) *Reader Suggested Story*

Today’s News 8-19-2023

Posted by
August 19th, 2023

Biden Air Force Nominee Claimed ‘White Colonels’ Are The ‘Biggest Barriers’ To Change In The Military

(The Federalist – Shawn Fleetwood) *Lead Story*

Gen. Milley Admits Wokeness is Undermining Military Recruitment

(FrontPage Mag – Daniel Greenfield) *Must Read*

FIRE Files Lawsuit to ‘Stop California From Forcing Professors to Teach DEI’

(Legal Insurrection – Mike LaChance)

LA Mayor Karen Bass Claims Conservative Press Is to Blame for People Feeling Afraid, Not Criminals

(Red State – Jennifer Van Laar)

Project Veritas drama: James O’Keefe under investigation as layoffs roil journalism outfit

(Washington Times – Valerie Richardson)

Lab-Grown Meat Industry Increases Lobbying Efforts Ahead of Farm Bill

(American Greatness – Eric Lendrum) *Must Read*

Washington Governor Jay Inslee sued over ‘state-sanctioned kidnapping’ law that lets minors access sex changes, abortion without parental knowledge or consent

(Post Millennial – Ari Hoffman)

Fairfax County becomes third Virginia locality to pilot guaranteed income program

(Just The News – Morgan Sweeney)

Sending Public Officials Who Censor to Free Speech School

(Daily Signal – GianCarlo Canaparo and Seth Lucas)

Carney on ‘Kudlow’: The Collapse of Russia and China’s Currencies Shows Why BRICS Is Not a Threat to the Dollar

(Breitbart – Rebecca Mansour)

China, once touted as America’s successor in waiting, is watching its currency crash and its economy crumble

(The Blaze – Joseph MacKinnon)

“Water Requires Conversations Around Equity” – Meet the Radical, Obama-Loving Official Who Delayed Life-Saving Water to Maui for SEVERAL HOURS While the Fires Were Contained

(Gateway Pundit – Cullen Linebarger)

Hawaii Utility Pursued Green Energy Goals While Fire Mitigation Projects Were Delayed

(Daily Wire – Tim Pearce)

Rutgers students face disenrollment over coronavirus vaccine mandate requirements

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

The Best Presidential Candidate in the World Is Running in Argentina

(PJ Media – David Harsanyi)

In Chicago, another sign of the Catholic Church’s decline

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg)

Math For Dummies

(Power Line – John Hinderaker) *Must Read*

Texas School District Threatens to Seize 79-Year-Old Man’s Home for Stadium Parking Lot

(Reason – Christian Britschgi)

Meet the Green Energy Group Behind the Study That’s Driving Calls To Ban Gas Stoves

(Washington Free Beacon – Collin Anderson and Joseph Simonson) *Must Read*

The WHO, the UN, and the Reality of Human Greed

(Brownstone Institute – David Bell)

Today’s News 8-11-2023

Posted by
August 11th, 2023

‘It’s a Gag Order’: California Threatens Researcher Who Testified That Pandemic Closures Hurt Poor Kids

(Washington Free Beacon – Susannah Luthi) *Lead Story*

Biden Won In 2020 The Same Way Soviet Basketball Won Gold In 1972

(The Federalist – Mollie Hemingway) *Must Read*

Why Kamala Harris Won’t Be Asked About the Suicide of a Newspaperman She Persecuted

(Reason – Matt Welch)

Who’s the Real Barack Obama? Things Are Finally Becoming Clearer

(PJ Media – Victoria Taft)

‘Strong-arming:’ Appeals court judges compare Biden social media pressure to mafia

(Just The News – Greg Piper)

Who Will Say No More to the Current Madness?

(American Greatness – Victor Davis Hanson) *Must Read*

Gov. Josh Green: Maui Wildfires ‘Likely the Largest Natural Disaster’ in Hawaii’s History

(Breitbart – Jordan Dixon-Hamilton)

‘Man-made climate change’ is ‘manufactured nonsense’ driven by profit motive: climate change scientist

(Post Millennial – Sara Higdon)

“The days when universities could get away with racial discrimination to advance diversity are over”

(Legal Insurrection – William A. Jacobson)

Sounds Like A Set Up: Former Capitol Police Chief Gives His Account Of What Happened On January 6

(Daily Caller – Nicole Silverio)

Turley Reveals How WH Exchange With Peter Doocy Can Magnify Trouble for Biden on Impeachment

(Red State – Nick Arama)

EPA Tries to Destroy the Grid

(Power Line – John Hinderaker) *Must Read*

Michigan Republicans Plead Not Guilty In 2020 ‘False Elector Prosecution’

(Daily Wire – Brandon Drey)

You’ll Never Guess Where the Headquarters of the Multimillion Dollar GBI Strategies LLC Is Located?

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

So the FBI’s Los Angeles and Portland field offices also helped out with targeting Latin Mass Catholics?

(American Thinker – Monica Showalter)

Massachusetts denied foster parents’ adoption over transgender views: Lawsuit

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

Ransom: We’re trading $6B in frozen oil money plus jailed Iranians for 5 American prisoners

(Red State – Beege Welborn)

White Coat Supremacy Succession

(FrontPage Mag – Lloyd Billingsley)

Congratulations on your suicide, Baltimore

(Substack – Don Surber) *Must Read*

Best Buy faces boycott over leadership programs that exclude white employees

(The Blaze – Paul Sacca)

The Medical Establishment Has Succumbed to Gender Madness

(Newsweek – Miriam Grossman) *Reader Suggested Story*

Today’s News 6-28-2023

Posted by
June 28th, 2023

Report: Iran Memo Discussed in Leaked Trump Audio NOT Part of Classified Documents Charges

(Red State – Bob Hoge) *Lead Story*

Ford to cut 1,000 jobs, lose $3 BILLION over electric car investments

(Post Millennial – Katie Daviscourt) *Must Read*

Supreme Court says state courts can review election law, rejects independent state legislator theory

(Washington Times – Alex Swoyer and Stephen Dinan)

Election integrity advocates fight against ‘confusing’ ranked-choice voting pushed by left

(Just The News – Natalia Mittelstadt)

‘No!’: Biden Claims Ignorance of Hunter’s Foreign Business Dealings In Face of Mounting Evidence to the Contrary

(Washington Free Beacon – Andrew Kerr)

Hundreds of teenagers swarm streets of Chicago neighborhood and vandalize cars while terrorizing businesses and residents

(The Blaze – Carlos Garcia)

What did China learn from the near-coup in Russia?

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

‘We Had Nothing To Do With It’: 7 CIA-Backed Coups Abroad

(Daily Caller – Gage Klipper) *Must Read*

Cops Use Phony Diagnoses To Explain Away Stun Gun Deaths

(Reason – C.J. Ciaramella)

The Trump Distraction

(American Greatness – Edward Ring)

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Whines that Term “ESG” Has Become “Weaponized”

(Legal Insurrection – Leslie Eastman)

The ‘Idiocracy’ Is Upon Us: Gen Z Can’t Read or Write Cursive

(PJ Media – Rick Moran)

Atlantic writer complains about too many choices at the grocery store

(American Thinker – Monica Showalter)

Penn State professor who sued school says faculty were labeled ‘racist white supremacists’

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

Legal Expert and Author Mark Levin: Trump Lawyers Need to File Immediate Motion to Dismiss Entire Case – Jack Smith Must Go to Prison for This

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Hey, Joy Reid, Let’s Talk About ‘Fascism’

(The Federalist – David Harsanyi)

New York Times ‘Buries’ The Lede, Confirms Hunter Biden Probe Whistleblower Claims

(Daily Wire – Daniel Chaitin)

Inspector Clouseau on the Epstein Case

(Power Line – Steven Hayward)

Big City Blues

(Substack – Bill Bonner) *Must Read*

Catching The Killers And Criminals

( – Cliff Kincaid) *Must Read*

Today’s News 5-6-2023

Posted by
May 6th, 2023

‘I was not aware the Transgender community expects ​fealty​ and ​total agreement’: Dee Snider issues statement after running afoul of the militant LGBT movement

(The Blaze – Alex Nitzberg) *Lead Story*

Rochelle Walensky to step down as CDC director

(Post Millennial – Roberto Wakerell-Cruz) *Must Read*

Rochelle Walensky Leaves a CDC That’s Far More Powerful Than When She Entered It

(Reason – Robby Soave)

Biden to Turn Over 10% of America’s Land to the Left

(FrontPage Mag – Daniel Greenfield)

Let’s Not Gloss Over the Idea That Fox News Corp. Keeps Epstein-Style Blackmail Dossiers on Its On-Air Talent

(PJ Media – Ben Bartee)

The hidden costs of EVs: Ohio man gets $42,000 repair bill after fender bender in electric truck

(Just The News – Addison Smith) *Must Read*

Biden Admin Stopped Threatening OK Catholic Hospital System Over the Chapel’s Sanctuary Lamp

(Legal Insurrection – Mary Chastain)

The New York Times and Washington Post betray their own Pentagon Papers principles

(American Thinker – Monica Showalter)

Regressive Behavior: New York Times Demands Higher Taxes on Poor People

(Washington Free Beacon – Andrew Stiles)

“Russian Disinformation” Memo Was a Biden Campaign Op

(Power Line – John Hinderaker)

Massive 2-Mile Long Homeless Encampment Plagues Posh Marin County, CA

(Red State – Bob Hoge)

How the ACLU is secretly waging war on parents across the country

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola’s Attorney: Evidence Confirms J6 Was An Organized Government Plot — There Is NO EVIDENCE Of Conspiracy By Patriots

(Gateway Pundit – Alicia Powe)

Epstein’s Latest Victim: The Public’s Right to Know

(American Greatness – Thaddeus G. McCotter)

The Lesson Of Jordan Neely: Your Courage And Sacrifice Will Be Punished

(The Federalist – Peachy Keenan) *Must Read*

‘Covers Up History’: Retired Army Rangers Hammer The Pentagon For Purging Confederates From The Ranger Memorial

(Daily Caller – Micaela Burrow)

Report: Mitch McConnell Backs Kevin McCarthy’s Hand Ahead of Debt Summit Next Week

(Breitbart – Jordan Dixon-Hamilton)

U.S. To Fast-Track $500M Military Package To Taiwan: Report

(Daily Wire – Tim Pearce)

Biden appoints Neera Tanden as the new Susan Rice

(Hot Air – Karen Townsend)

Keeping us confused

(Substack – Don Surber) *Must Read*

Human Rights Watch teams with Hollywood to sharpen humanitarian focus

(The Guardian – Betsy Reed) *Bonus Story*

Today’s News 4-29-2023

Posted by
April 29th, 2023

“A full-blown Color Revolution-style attack on the US Supreme Court as an institution is now in its early stages”

(Legal Insurrection – William A. Jacobson) *Lead Story*

New York on cusp of being first state in nation to ban natural gas under new budget — and residents are furious

(New York Post – Zach Williams and Jack Morphet) *Must Read*

Leftists Push for Censorship of Encrypted Messages

(NewsBusters – Catherine Salgado)

Meet the VLOPs! The EU Extends its Censorship Powers

(Brownstone Institute – Robert Kogon)

ABC openly censors a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interview

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg)

The Fox News Feud With Tucker Carlson Is About to Get Ugly

(PJ Media – Matt Margolis)

Justice Alito Has ‘Good Idea’ Of Who Leaked Dobbs Opinion; Suggests Motive Was Assassination

(Daily Wire – Leif Le Mahieu) *Must Read*

North Carolina Supreme Court hands down ruling on gerrymandering that will have huge implications in 2024

(The Blaze – Chris Enloe)

ASPCA pushes anti-meat agenda while sending 2% of budget to animal shelters: Watchdog

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

Dead Weight Debt

(American Greatness – Thaddeus G. McCotter)

Intel Agencies Massively Undercounted Searches On Americans Under FISA Surveillance Rule, Report Finds

(Daily Caller – Micaela Burrow)

Elon Musk Rips ‘Gender Transition’ for Minors, Calls Term ‘Cisgender’ a ‘Slur’

(Breitbart – Emma-Jo Morris)

Brave teachers refuse to be silenced in San Diego

(Hot Air – David Strom)

Washington’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Will Be as Impotent as Most Gun Laws

(Reason – J.D. Tuccille)

How Democrats’ Push For Electric Cars Endangers National Security

(The Federalist – Paul Gilbert)

‘Dehumanizing’: Experts rip California pilot program testing COVID-sniffing dogs on schoolchildren

(Just The News – Greg Piper)

Oregon Democrats Propose Bill That Would Decriminalize Camping, Allow Homeless to Sue if They Feel Harassed

(Gateway Pundit – Mike LaChance)

Hunter Biden’s Ex-Mistress Wants to Know Who’s Paying His ‘Stable of American Super Lawyers’

(Washington Free Beacon – Alana Goodman)

IRS Planning to Hire Armed Agents in All 50 States

(Red State – Ben Kew)

Media says voting threatens democracy

(Substack – Don Surber) *Must Read*

The Very Strange New Respect for Authoritarian Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

(Reason – Matt Welch) *Reader Suggested*

Today’s News 1-28-2023

Posted by
January 28th, 2023

O’Keefe Scoops and Shames the Mainstream Media…Again

(Townhall – Larry O’Connor) *Lead Story*

Former Student Appeals Trespass Conviction After Handing Out US Constitution Copies At Arizona State University

(Daily Caller – Alexa Schwerha) *Must Read*

Canadian hospital president slammed for promoting ‘anti-racist’ book against white women

(Post Millennial – Olivia Rondeau)

Tyre Nichols Videos Released

(Powerline – John Hinderaker)

Protests Get Violent in NYC’s Times Square After Release of Tyre Nichols Video

(Red State – Nick Arama)

Project Veritas Pfizer Video and The New Triumvirate: Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Media

(Legal Insurrection – Leslie Eastman) *Must Read*

Twitter Files: Employees Knew the Media’s Favorite Russian Bots List Was Fake

(Reason – Robby Soave)

Woman fired from gaming company after ‘trans’ Twitter user accused her of being a ‘transphobe’ who follows ‘right-wing transphobic creeps’ on social media platform

(The Blaze – Dave Urbanski)

It’s Now Cheaper to Drive 100 Miles in a Gas-Powered Car Than in an EV

(PJ Media – Chris Queen)

Electric Vehicles Are an Ideologically Driven Economic Misadventure

(American Thinker – Jerome Corsi)

Minnesota Democrats Pass Bill to Ban Coal, Oil and Gas in One of Nation’s Coldest States – As Biden Bans Mining in State’s Iron Range

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Vermont Supreme Court Upholds Noncitizen Voting

(National File – Cullen McCue)

Supreme Court failed to disclose financial arrangement with outside group probing leak: Report

(Washington Examiner – Kaelan Deese)

Steel Yourselves, Conservatives

(American Greatness – Josiah Lippincott) *Must Read*

Emails show Cuomo’s staff working on his memoir at the peak of New York’s pandemic

(Empire Center – Bill Hammond)

AP Deletes Cringe Tweet To Not Call The French ‘The French’ After Being Mocked By, Among Others, The French

(Daily Wire – John Rigolizzo)

Flurry of interview requests confirms Jim Jordan’s resolve to probe FBI, DOJ, DHS politicization

(Just The News – Ben Whedon)

Ronna McDaniel Clinches Fourth Term as RNC Chair

(Breitbart – Breccan F. Thies)

Biden Would Lose Dem Primary In ’24

( – Dick Morris)

The Grim Future of Establishment Journalism

(Brownstone Institute – David James)

Today’s News 11-30-2022

Posted by
November 30th, 2022

San Francisco approves ‘deadly force option’ for police robots

(The Blaze – Carlos Garcia) *Lead Story*

Climate Change Skeptics Have Ready Allies in Africa

(American Greatness – Edward Ring) *Must Read*

Montana AG Concerned UPS and FedEx Working With Biden Admin to Track American Gun Owners

(Washington Free Beacon – Adam Kredo)

China’s Lockdown Protests Show Why You Shouldn’t Let Government Weaken Encryption, Anonymity

(Reason – Scott Shackford)

South Dakota Governor Noem Blocks State Employees From Downloading TikTok

(Daily Wire – John Rigolizzo)

State Financial Officers Blast Biden Administration Rule Allowing Retirement Funds to Prioritize ESGs

(PJ Media – Stacey Lennox) *Must Read*

Republican AGs Attempt To Prevent Historically Environmentalist Firm From Buying Utilities

(Daily Caller – Jack McEvoy)

Time to Start Eating Bugs?

(Powerline – John Hinderaker)

Wisconsin parents sue school district for transitioning their daughter without their permission

(Post Millennial – Mia Ashton)

Federal Public Defender Sounds Alarm Over ‘Unconstitutionally Overbroad’ Warrants Against Jan. 6 Defendants

(Red State – Nick Arama) *Must Read*

‘Degrading and racist’: White social worker sues Seattle for CRT-based harassment, retaliation

(Just The News – Greg Piper)

Project Veritas: HHS Whistleblower Reveals ‘Tax Dollars’ Spent to ‘Put Children in the Hands of Criminals’… Migrant Child: My Female Sponsor ‘Would Pimp Me to Men’

(Gateway Pundit – Cristina Laila)

California Releases Thousands of Convicted Pedophiles Within a Year of Conviction

(Breitbart – Breccan F. Thies)

Another Abraham Lincoln Statue in Chicago Vandalized

(Legal Insurrection – Mike LaChance)

Tom Nichols: Never Trump really meant never Republican

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

If Marriage Can Mean Anything, It Will Soon Mean Nothing

(The Federalist – Stella Morabito)

Ukraine: Only Bad and Worse Choices

(FrontPage Mag – Bruce Thornton)

Ex-CIA agent: “This freedom of speech is just nonsense”

( – Don Surber)

3 Ways Chinese Nuclear Buildup Threatens US National Security Interests

(Daily Signal – Patty-Jane Geller)

China, Prisoner of Its Mistakes

(City Journal – Guy Sorman)

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