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Posts Tagged ‘Noah David Alter’

Today’s News 4-6-2021

Posted by
April 6th, 2021

GOP Congressman Says Fauci Needs To Answer For Why His Agency Bypassed Oversight Of Funding To Wuhan Lab

(Daily Caller – Andrew Kerr) *Lead Story*

Man accused of trying to extort Max Gaetz admits he asked for cash

(New York Post – Tamar Lapin) *Must Read*

The Big Winner of Biden’s Green Energy Plan is His Energy Secretary’s Old Company

(FrontPage Mag – Daniel Greenfield)

MLB Moves All-Star Game to Colorado, Which Has Voter ID and Fewer Early Voting Days than GA

(Breitbart – Dylan Gwinn)

Trump’s call for boycotts may finally teach Big Business to stop siding with the Dems

(American Thinker – Thomas Lifson)

Janet Yellen Is Now Calling for Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate

(Red State – Nick Arama)

Report: China detaining, torturing Christians to force them to renounce their faith

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter) *Must Read*

Justice Thomas Suggests Section 230 May Be Unconstitutional

(Washington Free Press – Santi Ruiz)

The FBI Is Now Mainly A Weapon Against Republicans

(Daily Wire – Ashe Schow)

Senate Democrats can pass Biden infrastructure package on party-line basis, parliamentarian says

(Washington Examiner – David Mark)

OUTRAGEOUS! Tim Cook Defends Decision to Ban Parler from App Store

(NewsBusters – Kayla Sargent)

STUNNING! Tim Cook and Apple Condemn Voter ID Law in Georgia — Is Same Company that Developed Face ID to Open Your Phone!

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Did a Federal Court’s Ruling Deliver a Blow to the Capitol Hill Insurrection Narrative?

(Townhall – Matt Vespa)

A Professor Pushed Back Against ‘White Fragility’ Training. The College Investigated Her for 9 Months.

(Reason – Jesse Singal) *Must Read*

‘Patronizingly racist’: Jim Crow-election laws comparison blasted as ‘insulting’ to Blacks

(Washington Times – Valerie Richardson)

Mississippi Governor Reeves joins Florida’s DeSantis in opposing ‘vaccine passports’

(Just The News – Nicholas Sherman)

Fauci: Federal government won’t mandate vaccine passports

( – Douglas Braff)

Borrowing $2 trillion to spend $921 billion on public works

( – Don Surber) *Must Read*

Supreme Court Lets Google Off the Hook for Copying Oracle’s Code, Thomas Skewers Twisted Decision

(PJ Media – Tyler O’Neil)

What’s Ahead for Americans Who Aren’t Already Rich

(Rogue Economics – Bill Bonner)

Today’s News 3-22-2021

Posted by
March 22nd, 2021

Border Photographer Sounds the Alarm on Biden’s Insane Media Blackout

(Townhall – Beth Baumann) *Lead Story*

Senate Dems eye ‘mini-nuke’ and ‘democracy carve-out’ as ways to restrict filibuster

(Washington Times – Valerie Richardson and S.A. Miller) *Must Read*

New emails deepen the mystery surrounding election night in Fulton County

(American Thinker – Andrea Widberg)

Michigan county avoids using Dominion Voting System machines in upcoming primary, will count ballots by hand

(The Blaze – Paul Sacca)

Republican Julia Letlow Wins US House Race in Louisiana – Replacing Her Husband Who Suddenly Died After Winning the Race

(Gateway Pundit – Joe Hoft)

Biden Intel Report Reboots Russia Hoax to Censor Hunter Corruption Stories

(FrontPage Mag – Daniel Greenfield)

Sen. Paul Accuses Fauci Of Lying, Blasts ‘Karen’ Who Tattled On Him For Running On Treadmill Without Mask

(Daily Wire – Jon Brown)

FDA grants emergency authorization to ‘machine learning-based’ COVID detection device

(Just The News – Daniel Payne) *Must Read*

China using lawfare against academic who criticizes their genocidal policies

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

Cornell University, Pursuing Partnership with China, Can’t Say Whether Beijing is Guilty of Genocide

(Washington Free Beacon – Yuichiro Kakutani)

Federal judge drops a truth bomb: American press is in the tank for Democrats

(Hot Air – Karen Townsend) *Must Read*

US Media’s Misleading Framing Of Atlanta Police Officer’s Comments About Shooter Used In Chinese Propaganda

(Daily Caller – Shelby Talcott)

Corporate Donors Dominate Push to Give Amnesty to 4.4M Illegal Aliens

(Breitbart – John Binder)

In Abortion Case, The Supreme Court Can Stop Biden From Pushing Extreme Rules In Secret Deals

(The Federalist – Margot Cleveland)

New York Times Buries Beach Erosion to Hype ‘Rising Sea’

(NewsBusters – P.J. Gladnick)

Gov. Whitmer Could Be Facing Cuomo-Type Trouble Over Nursing Home Debacle

(Red State – Jeff Charles)

Trump May Launch His Own Social Media Platform, Will ‘Completely Redefine the Game,’ Advisor Says

(CNS News – Patrick Goodenough)

Sununu is the GOP wild card in New Hampshire Senate race against Hassan

(Washington Examiner – Emily Brooks) *Must Read*

What are they winning?

( – Don Surber)

Psy-Op Much? Antifa Stages ‘Love’ March in Portland Neighborhood it Just Trashed – and Attacks ICE HQ

(PJ Media – Victoria Taft) *Must Read*

Today’s News 2-27-2021

Posted by
February 27th, 2021

Hello, CPAC! Trump Is Still In Charge Here

(PJ Media – Mark Ellis) *Lead Story*

Some English Teachers Cancel Shakespeare Because Of ‘Racism, Homophobia, Classism’

(Daily Wire – Joseph Curl) *Must Read*

House votes to set aside 3 million Western acres in ‘massive land grab’

(Washington Times – Valerie Richardson)

Boston public schools cancel new advanced classes for high performing students because of racial inequalities

(The Blaze – Carlos Garcia)

Sources: ‘Conversations’ Pelosi Had With Sgt At Arms About National Guard Presence Factored Into ‘Blender Of Decision Making’ That Led Up To Riot

(Daily Caller – Henry Rodgers) *Must Read*

The Inauguration Threat Went Nowhere, So Did the Impeachment Threat, Now It’s a State of the Union Threat

(Frontpage Mag – Daniel Greenfield)

LinkedIn Removes ‘Be Less White’ Lesson From Its Site, Coke Claims the Class Wasn’t Required

(Red State – Alex Parker)

BBC: Most of Our Employees Are Bigots Who Need ‘Bias Training’

(NewsBusters –  Gabriela Pariseau)

Biden decision to kill Keystone XL could spell disaster down the tracks

(Washington Examiner – Barnini Chakraborty)

Citing Wikipedia’s capture by the left, site’s co-founder launching free-speech-friendly competitor

(Just The News – Carrie Sheffield)  *Must Read*

Reparations Activist Ta-Nehisi Coates Teaming With Producer J.J. Abrams on Warner Bros. ‘Superman’ Reboot

(Breitbart – Warner Todd Huston)

CBS refuses to show images of ‘migrant facilities for children’

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

Mayorkas sounds alarm on coming border surge crisis – oks airline tickets for illegal migrants

(Hot Air – Karen Townsend)

The Federal Reserve Is Taking Us into Uncharted and Deadly Waters

(American Thinker – William Levin) *Must Read*

Ford Wants Its Cars Back From the NRA

(Washington Free Beacon – Stephen Gutowski)

So Long as You Carry a Cellphone, the Government Can Track You

(Reason – J.D. Tuccille)

The Thread That Shreds CNN’s Fake News idiocy…And This Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

(Townhall – Matt Vespa)

ARIZONA: Judge Rules Maricopa County Must Hand Over Ballots and Voting Equipment to State Senate for Audit

(National File – Jack Hadfield) *Must Read* 

Absence of Supremes in election dispute called ‘ticking time bomb’

(WorldNetDaily – Bob Unruh)

John Durham Resigns as US Attorney – Effective February 28th — Before Biden AG Takes Office

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Today’s News 2-12-2021

Posted by
February 12th, 2021

Here’s What Caused Twitter to Ban Project Veritas

(Townhall – Matt Vespa) *Lead Story*

Warnock Voter-Registration Group Under Investigation for Election Law Violations

(Washington Free Beacon – Alana Goodman) *Must Read*

Pelosi Banned Congresswoman’s Military Officer Son From Attending Her Swearing-In

(Daily Caller – Henry Rodgers)

What Did the Lincoln Project Know About John Weaver, and When?

(PJ Media – Jim Treacher)

Associated Press Dismantles Scandal-Plagued Lincoln Project in Explosive Exposé

(NewsBusters – Joseph Vazquez)

Lincoln Project orders outside investigation into John Weaver scandal

(Washington Examiner – Zachary Halaschak)

Lincoln Project Continues Vendetta Against Jennifer Horn, Posting Hacked Twitter Messages in Intimidation Attempt

(RedState – Jennifer Van Laar) *Must Read*

AP triggered by Fox cutting off the impeachment show

( – Don Surber)

Biden Administration Suspends Rule Protecting Businesses from Banking Discrimination

(Reason – Sonny Mazzone)

Disney cancels Gina Carano for Holocaust comparison, but is silent on Terry Moran who compared Trump to Hitler

( – Annaliese Levy)

Andrew Cuomo’s Aide Admits NY Hid COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths to Avoid Federal Investigation

(Breitbart – Robert Kraychik)

Tucker Carlson says the Democrats’ narrative about the Capitol riot is a ‘lie’

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

Tucker Carlson says his show has been targeted by groups funded by Ford Foundation, Soros and others

(Just The News – Alex Nitzberg)

New York State Assembly Moves To Rename Donald J. Trump State Park

(Daily Wire – Jon Brown)

Glenn Beck Needs a Fact-Checker on McCarthyism

(News With Views – Cliff Kincaid) *Must Read*

THEY GOT CAUGHT: Dominion Owned Machines Removed 6% of Votes from Each Windham, New Hampshire GOP Candidate – Same Machines Used in 85% of Towns

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Biden is Flirting With An Interstate Travel Ban

(Frontpage Mag – Daniel Greenfield)

‘More powerful than Standard Oil’: Small newspaper chain challenges Big Tech

(Washington Times – James Varney) *Must Read*

Kevin Drum: Very few Americans believe Q Anon conspiracy theories

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

Wisconsin judge denies prosecutors’ request to issue new arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse

(The Blaze – Leon Wolf)

120 Never Trump Republicans Plot New Neocon CentristThird Party Led By Evan McMullin

(National File – Jack Hadfield) *Bonus Story*

Employee: ‘Trans-Identifying Kids Are Cash Cows’ For Planned Parenthood

(The Federalist – Abigail Shrier) *Bonus Story*

Today’s News 2-11-2021

Posted by
February 11th, 2021

Americans reporting vote fraud say claims repeatedly dismissed by FBI

(Washington Times – Alex Swoyer) *Lead Story*

Chaos in the Senate: Democrat Impeachment Managers Withdraw Statements Falsely Attributed to Sen. Mike Lee After Schumer Intervention

(Breitbart – Joshua Caplan and Matthew Boyle) *Must Read*

90-Year-Old Man Gets Sick of His Slow Internet Speed, so He Complains – in Front of the Whole Wide World

(RedState – Alex Parker)

U.S. Ran $310.8 Billion Pandemic-Year Trade Deficit With China

(CNS News – Terence P. Jeffrey)

Two Routes to Inflation

(Rogue Economics – Bill Bonner)

One day a week? Psaki pressed for lowering bar for Biden reopening of classrooms

(Just The News – Alex Nitzberg)

Republicans Need to Stop Accepting Progressives’ ‘Facts’

(Frontpage Mag – Bruce Thornton) *Must Read*

Massachusetts: 2020 went so well we should make this vote-by-mail thing permanent

(Hot Air – Jazz Shaw)

Hand Recount Finds Dominion Owned Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, New Hampshire, 300 Votes!

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft) *Must Read*

Burgess Owens slams ‘liberal white’ reporter who ‘whitesplained’ race issues to him

(Washington Examiner – Michael Lee)

Robert Barnes Takes Case of Man Convicted For Defending Against BLM to Supreme Court

(National File – Tom Pappert)

Anderson Cooper compares Trump supporters to perpetrators of Rwandan and Bosnian genocide

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

‘Very Partisan Figure’: Biden’s Budget Office Pick Grilled Over Past Social Media Conduct

(Daily Wire – Eric Quintanar)

MASTERFUL: Ted Cruz Schools Jennifer Rubin on The Bard

(PJ Media – Tyler O’Neil)

Have Kids? Mitt Romney and Joe Biden Want the Government To Pay You Thousands Every Year

(Reason – Eric Boehm) *Must Read*

WRIGHT: I’m A Democrat, But It’s Time To Leave The Party

(Daily Caller – Bryan Dean Wright)

Exposing BLM’s Agenda-Driven K-12 Curriculum

(American Thinker – Christopher Paslay) *Must  Read*

Twitter CFO: If Trump runs again, his ban will remain

( – Douglas Braff)

Los Angeles Times Review of Andy Ngo’s Antifa Book Compares Him to Nazi Josef Goebbels

(NewsBusters – P.J. Gladnick)

Impeachment 2.0 Could Be Moot If Law Enforcement’s New Capitol Riot Lead Pans Out

(Townhall – Beth Baumann)

Today’s News 2-8-2021

Posted by
February 8th, 2021

‘No comparison’: Democrats firebrands rebuff GOP criticism, say Trump case different

(Washington Times – Valerie Richardson) *Lead Story*

How Big Government led to Big Tech

(Hot Air – Taylor MIllard)  *Must Read*

Growing evidence Capitol attack was pre-planned undercuts Trump impeachment premise

(Just The News – John Solomon)

Facebook, not Parler, played the largest role in the Capitol Hill riot, new documents show

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

The Associated Press Stylebook has proclaimed there was no election fraud in 2020

(American Thinker – Ron Wright)

Democrat Rep. Cori Bush gets slammed for defending ‘very violent’ jail riot, decrying US Capitol riot

(The Blaze – Chris Enloe)

Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and Forefathers of Antifa, Instigated and Participated in the Capitol Hill Riot Alongside Antifa

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft)

Morgan Wallen’s Sister Slams ‘Cancel Culture’ Following Brother’s Deplatforming Over N-Word Video Taped By Neighbor: ‘No Room For Forgiveness And Growth’

(Daily Wire – Amanda Prestigiacomo)

Comedian Jim Breuer On Teasing The Woke Mob: ‘During COVID, I’ve Become Fearless’

(The Federalist –  Casey Chalk) *Must Read*

Omar Kept Husband’s Consulting Firm Afloat

(Washington Free Beacon – Joe Schoffstall)

AFL-CIO President Squirms When Asked About Biden’s Energy Policies

(Townhall – Bronson Stocking)

This Draconian Bill Would Turn Millions of Peaceful Gun Owners Into Felons

(Reason – Jacob Sullum) *Must Read*

A Bipartisan Group Supports Domestic Terror Laws Despite Opposition From 150 Civil Rights Organizations

(Daily Caller – Kaylee Greenlee)

YouTube and Vimeo remove Mike Lindell’s election fraud movie

(Washington Examiner – Mike Brest)

Kamala Harris’s Niece Meena Joins Media and Other Leftists in Mask-Shaming Greatest of All Time Tom Brady

(Breitbart – Matthew Boyle)

Massachusetts Climate Official Ismay Proposes ‘Turning the Screws’ to Break Citizens’ Will to Stop Climate Change

(PJ Media – Stacey Lennox)

Biden to Re-Engage With UN Human Rights Council, Which Rejects Reform Efforts

(CNS News – Patrick Goodenough)

Supreme Court Blocks California Ban on Indoor Worship

(Frontpage Mag – Joseph Klein)

Chase Bank Tries to Cancel Covfefe Coffee, Won’t Process Payments for Pro-Trump Coffee Brand

(National File – Jack Hadfield)

Irony: Lincoln Project and Steve Schmidt Paint Co-Founder Jennifer Horn as a Grifter After She Resigns

(RedState – Jennifer Van Laar) *Must Read*

Today’s News 2-6-2021

Posted by
February 6th, 2021

Lincoln Project Co-Founder Resigns Following John Weaver’s ‘Sickening’ Behavior, Cites Diverging Views

(Daily Caller – Marlo Safi) *Lead Story*

Donald Trump Backs Lou Dobbs After Fox Ends Program: ‘Nobody Loves America More’

(Breitbart – Charlie Spiering) *Must Read*

UPDATE: Fox News Addresses Cancelation of Lou Dobbs Tonight

(Townhall – Bronson Stocking)

Democrat candidate claims voting machines switched votes in uncalled Congressional race

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

Americans Shouldn’t Be Treated Like ISIS Insurgents

(Reason – J.D. Tuccille) *Must Read*

MSNBC host suggests killing American citizens with drone strikes

(The Blaze – Paul Sacca)

Price tag of ongoing National Guard presence in D.C. up to $500 million: report

( – Douglas Braff)

FLASHBACK: Lincoln Project Cofounder Steve Schmidt Was Too ‘Untrustworthy’ for Donald Trump

(Washington Free Beacon – Andrew Stiles)

Exposing the creepy role Mark Zuckerberg played in the 2020 election

(American Thinker – Frank Friday)

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

(Time – Molly Ball) *Must Read*

CNN Finally Acknowledges the Story Media Spread About Officer Sicknick’s Cause of Death Isn’t True

(RedState – Nick Arama)

PolitiFact Warps Reality About Left-Wing Activist Inciting Capitol Riot

(NewsBusters –  James D. Agresti)

Biden: ‘No Need’ For Trump To Still Receive Intelligence Briefings

(Daily Wire – Eric Quintanar)

Supreme Court to consider election lawsuits in February

(Washington Examiner – Nicholas Rowan)

Growing evidence suggests transgender females maintain natural athletic advantages over girls

(Just The News – Daniel Payne)

SPLC’s Partisan ‘Hate Group’ Label For Judeo-Christian Organizations Threatens To Scare Donors Away

(The Federalist – Gabe Kaminsky) *Must Read*

NY Times fires science writer who used the n-word back in 2019 (Update)

(Hot Air – John Sexton)

Law professor creates online database targeting ‘critical race training’ schools

(Washington Times – Andrew Blake)

TSA Suggests Fines Up to $1,500 for Mask Violations

(Newsmax – Brian Trusdell)

Trump Supporter and Mother of Two Fears for Her Life and Her Children’s Safety After Kathy Griffin Doxxes Her Family

(Gateway Pundit – Alicia Powe) *Must Read*

Today’s News 1-14-2021

Posted by
January 14th, 2021

‘Nobody’s happy’: Isolated and impeached, Trump ends presidency on sour note

(Washington Times – Dave Boyer) *Lead Story*

Supreme Court May Finally Reverse Kamala Harris’s Attack on Free Speech

(PJ Media – Tyler O’Neil) *Must Read*

The Disney company adds to the list of reasons for boycotting it

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg)

Rep. Jim Jordan: More Democrats Objected to 2016 Electoral College Results Than GOP Did This Year

(CNS News – Melanie Arter)

Wounded Vet Brian Mast Slams CNN’s Tapper for Questioning His Commitment to Democracy

(Washington Free Beacon – Brent Scher)

Thank you, Donald Trump

( – Don Surber) *Must Read*

Rep. Marjorie Greene says she will file for impeachment against Joe Biden on the first day of his presidency in order to avoid violence

(The Blaze – Carlos Garcia)

House Dems Propose Fining Members Of Congress $500 For Not Wearing A Mask

(Daily Wire – Emily Zanotti)

Bail fund promoted by Kamala Harris won’t share records of alleged criminals it sprung from jail

(Just The News – Daniel Payne)

Leftists Are Colonizing Red Towns Like Mine, And Local Republicans Are Clueless

(The Federalist – Mark Pulliam) *Must Read*

Moderna CEO: We will have to live with COVID-19 ‘forever’

(Washington Examiner – Tyler Van Dyke)

New York City to sever ties With Trump Organization following Capitol riot

( – Annaliese Levy)

Glenn Greenwald says tech giants, not Parler, hosted the majority of Capitol Hill riot planning

(Post Millennial –  Noah David Alter) *Must Read* 

Incoming chair of the Senate Budget Committee has big plans

(Hot Air  – John Sexton)

Tom Cotton: Senate ‘Lacks Constitutional Authority’ to Proceed with Impeachment After Trump Leaves Office

(Breitbart – Ashley Oliver) *Must Read*

NY Post Points Out Hypocrisy of What Twitter Chooses Not to Censor

(NewsBusters – Kayla Sargent)

U.S. Bans Cotton Imports from Xinjiang, Citing Uyghur Forced Labor

(National Review – Zachary Evans)

Major Twist in US Capitol Storming Might Have Gutted the Democrats’ Narrative on Trump Impeachment

(Townhall – Matt Vespa) *Must Read*

The Language of the Unheard

(Frontpage Mag – Daniel Greenfield) *Must Read*

America Is No Longer the Land of the Free

(News With View – Cliff Kincaid) *Must Read*

Today’s News 1-12-2021

Posted by
January 12th, 2021

Amazon partner GoDaddy boots gun site from its servers

(Washington Examiner – Michael Lee) *Lead Story*

Tucker Carlson’s frightening summation of what’s happening in America

(American Thinker – Andrea Widburg) *Must Read*

Ron Paul Says Facebook Is Censoring His Account Without Explanation

(NewsBusters – Alexander Hall)

Facebook purging any content containing phrase ‘stop the steal’

(The Blaze – Breck Dumas)

Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Access to Facebook and Twitter After Customers Decry Censorship

(PJ Media – Tyler O’Neil)

‘Save Democracy’: Sacha Baron Cohen Urges YouTube To Ban Trump

(Daily Wire – Paul Bois)

Mark Zuckerberg and Other Leftist Billionaires Funnel Cash to Activists Through For-Profit Corporations

(Washington Free Beacon – Hayden Ludwig)

Pentagon held table-top contingency response exercise on morning of Capitol breach

(Just The News – Susan Katz Keating)

REPORT: FBI Says Armed Protests Planned In All 50 State Capitols Before Biden’s Inauguration

(Daily Caller – Phillip Nieto)

‘Hello, my wonderful social justice warriors’: School sued over critical race theory instruction

(Washington Times – James Varney) *Must Read*

U.S. Places Cuba Back on List of State Sponsors of Terrorism

(CNS News – Michael W. Chapman)

Antifa Demands Powell’s Stop Selling Andy Ngo’s Book, Forces Store To Close Early

(Reason – Robby Soave) *Must Read*

‘This Fight Is Inside the Gates Today’: Pompeo Warns Lawmakers of the Chinese Communist Party

(Breitbart – Kristina Wong)

Parler sues Amazon for removing it from cloud service

( – Douglas Braff)

Melania’s farewell message calls for “healing, grace, understanding, and peace”

(Hot AIr – Karen Townsend)

Request for National Guard denied six times during riot, says ex-Capitol Police chief

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

Big Corporate Uses Capitol Riots To Push Communist-Style Social Credit System On Americans

(The Federalist – Joy Pullmann) *Must Read*

House Homeland Security Chair Suggests Putting Cruz, Hawley on No-fly List

(Townhall – Leah Barkoukis)

House Newbie Demands Pelosi Stop Delivery of Chinese Newspaper

(Newsmax – Charlie McCarthy)

Free Speech Is a Value, Not Just a Right

(National Review – David Harsanyi)

Today’s News 1-8-2021

Posted by
January 8th, 2021

Trump Acknowledges Election Defeat, Stops Pushing Fraud Claims, Slams Those Who Got Violent At Riot

(Daily Wire – Ryan Saavedra) *Lead Story*

New Footage Yields More Questions Regarding the Woman Shot And Killed Inside the Capitol Building

(Townhall – Matt Vespa) *Must Read*

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Resigns: ‘Impressionable Children Are Watching All This’

(Breitbart – Charlie Spiering)

Tucker Carlson: ‘As Long As People Sincerely Believe They Can Change Things by Voting, They Stay Calm’

(CNS News – Susan Jones) *Must Read*

Chain of command: What went wrong during Capitol siege and why wasn’t it stopped?

(Washington Examiner – Anna Giaritelli)

Analysis: Media Have Hypocritical Double Standard on Trump vs BLM Protests

(Newsmax – Michael Dorstewitz)

YouTube Will Ban All Videos Highlighting Voter Fraud

(The Federalist – Jordan Davidson)

Worrisome Signs the Capitol Breach was Planned to Discredit Trump Supporters: An Eyewitness Account

(American Thinker – Antonio R. Chaves) *Must Read*

Simon & Schuster cancels Josh Hawley’s upcoming book citing ‘his role’ in what became ‘deadly insurrection’

(The Blaze – Breck Dumas)

There Are a Lot of Phony Claims, But There Was at Least One Antifa Ally Inside the U.S. Capitol

(PJ Media – Victoria Taft) *Must Read*

Don’t Give the Capitol Rioters Power Over Tech and Policing Policy

(Reason – Elizabeth Nolan Brown)

Mayor Bowser pushes for DC statehood ‘within the first 100 days’ of new Congress

( – Jennie Taer)

WashPost’s Milbank Pushes Harebrained Smear Against Trump Budget Chief

(NewsBusters – Joseph Vazquez)

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler assaulted at restaurant: Police

(Washington Times – Jessica Chasmar)

Black Lives Matter boomerang: How media flipped script on violent protests after Capitol riot

(Just The News – Daniel Payne)

Banks Fight Rule That Would Force Them to Do Business with Firearms Industry

(Washington Free Beacon – Tom Knighton)

REPORT: Experts Investigate Death Of Doctor Who Died Two Weeks After Receiving Vaccine

(Daily Caller – John Ruane)

Not so friendly skies: American Airlines bans alcohol sales on flights in and out of Washington, D.C.

(Hot Air – Karen Townsend)

Facebook, Instagram BLOCK Trump from platforms until Biden is inaugurated

(Post Millennial – Noah David Alter)

U.S. Capitol Police Murder Trump Supporter

(NewsWithViews – Cliff Kincaid) *Must Read*

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