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Posts Tagged ‘Steven Richards and John Solomon’

Today’s News 12-15-2023

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December 15th, 2023

Latest Likely Voters Poll Out of Michigan: Trump Leads by a Whopping 50 Points Over GOP Opponents

(Red State – Becca Lower) *Lead Story*

Oregon Dems Ban Republicans From Running for Office

(FrontPage Mag – Daniel Greenfield) *Must Read*

Impeachment inquiry zeroes in on origin of Hunter Biden’s China deals while Joe Biden was VP

(Just The News – Steven Richards and John Solomon)

Did Joe Biden Know Hunter Would Violate Republicans’ Congressional Subpoena? The White House Says Yes

(The Federalist – Shawn Fleetwood)

New York Republicans Choose Mazi Melesa Pilip, an IDF Veteran, to Succeed George Santos

(Legal Insurrection – Mary Chastain)

Schumer busts Senate’s year-end break for border talks, war aid vote but House home for holidays

(Washington Times – Stephen Dinan)

IBM’s CEO Denies Offering Bonuses for Racial and Sexual Hiring Bias

(Breitbart – Neil Munro)

NewsGuard is getting worse, new MRC study shows

(American Thinker – Monica Showalter)

Blaze Media investigative journalist Steve Baker says Justice Department will be charging him for his Jan. 6 reporting

(Blaze Media – Dave Urbanski) *Must Read*

New York City Spending Tens Of Thousands On Migrant Meals That Get Trashed

(Daily Wire – Mairead Elordi)

Here’s the Real Reason Why So Many American University Students Hate Israel

(PJ Media – Robert Spencer)

Congress Renews Warrantless Digital Spying Program as Part of $886 Billion Spending Bill

(Reason – Eric Boehm)

Statehood Was a Disaster?

(Power Line – John Hinderaker)

Vivek Ramaswamy Destroys CNN’s Abby Phillip During Heated Exchange on ‘Government’s Entrapment’ of January 6ers

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hᴏft)

Megyn Kelly reveals what CNN host did to make her more interested in Ramaswamy’s message

(Washington Examiner – Jenny Goldsberry)

Capitol Police commander who ordered evacuations of Senate and House: ‘J6 was not an insurrection’

(Post Millennial – Hannah Nightingale) *Must Read*

Former FBI Official Linked To ‘Russiagate’ Probe Sentenced To 4 Years For Foreign Conspiracy

(Daily Caller – Jake Smith)

Biden Finally Built an Electric Vehicle Charging Station. People Aren’t Using It.

(Washington Free Beacon – Meghan Blonder)

Civilization Versus the New Nihilists

(American Greatness – Victor Davis Hanson) *Must Read*

Pfizer Sued for “False and Deceptive” COVID-19 Vaccine Claims

(Brownstone Institute – Maryanne Demasi)

Today’s News 8-30-2023

Posted by
August 30th, 2023

Watch This Mom Absolutely Rip a School Staffer Who Was Offended By Her Son’s Backpack Badge

(Townhall – Matt Vespa) *Lead Story*

California state lawmaker claims school district’s gender-identity parental notification policy is a Christian nationalist power grab

(The Blaze – Alex Nitzberg) *Must Read*

12-Year-Old Boy Removed From School Over ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Patch

(Reason – Robby Soave)

Are These Our Locust Years?

(FrontPage Mag – Bruce Thornton)

Under Pressure, Pentagon Restricts Program That Allows Colleges With CCP Outposts To Receive Taxpayer Funds

(Washington Free Beacon – Adam Kredo)

Rep. Mike Gallagher Takes Point on Covert CCP Bailout

(American Greatness – Frank Gaffney)

Media Use Racist Shooting To Smear Ron DeSantis — And Chill Debate

(The Federalist – David Harsanyi)

Canadian Father Jailed After ‘Misgendering’ Daughter Lands Win In Appeal Court

(Daily Wire – Amanda Prestigiacomo)

Award Shows Aren’t for You, Conservatives

(PJ Media – Megan Fox)

Over 100 Former Clerks Come to Defense of Justice Clarence Thomas Following Relentless Attacks by Democrats

(Gateway Pundit – Mike LaChance)

As More Countries Link Arms With China, Is US Dollar Dominance Truly At Risk?

(Daily Caller – Will Kessler) *Must Read*

Cashing in on Green: Google to Sell Mapping Data to Renewable Energy Companies

(Breitbart – Lucas Nolan)

Hawaiian Electric Claims It ‘De-Energized’ the Power Lines Hours Before Second Maui Wildfire

(Legal Insurrection – Leslie Eastman)

Biden, Obama must approve release of alias emails

(Washington Times – Susan Ferrechio)

Key Homeland Security agency deemed ill equipped to fight fast-growing homeland threat

(Just The News – Steven Richards)

3M ‘forever chemicals’ settlement advances, but some AGs unhappy with payout

(Washington Examiner – Breccan F. Thies)

The seriously dark side of AI will likely come from DHS

(Hot Air – Jazz Shaw) *Must Read*

DC Judge Chutkan claims Trump’s attorneys should have prepared defense, reviewed evidence BEFORE he was charged by DOJ

(Post Millennial – Hannah Nightingale)

Burger King Faces Lawsuit for Allegedly Telling ‘Whopper’ About the Size of Its Burgers

(Red State – Jeff Charles)

Are We Facing Lockdowns 2.0?

(Brownstone Institute – Jeffrey A. Tucker) *Must Read*

Trump, Tucker, and the New Committees of Correspondence

(AMAC – Shane Harris) *Reader Suggested Story*

Americans are unwittingly financing the CCP. It has to stop

(Washington Post – Mike Gallagher) *Reader Suggested Story*

Today’s News 8-7-2023

Posted by
August 7th, 2023

Why Trump Wasn’t Charged With Insurrection

(American Spectator – David Catron) *Lead Story*

Joe Biden’s Weather Report

(American Greatness – Roger Kimball) *Must Read*

Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China

(Just The News – Steven Richards and John Solomon)

China, Russia Show Biden’s Weakness by Sending 11 Ships to Alaska

(FrontPage Mag – Daniel Greenfield)

Oberlin College Sues Insurers For Refusing To Cover $36 Million It Paid Gibson’s Bakery For Defamation And Other Torts

(Legal Insurrection – William A. Jacobson)

RFK Jr sues ‘state actors’ Google and YouTube over censorship

(Post Millennial – Thomas Stevenson)

Former President Lays Out Policy Vision for Country Upon Return to Office

(Breitbart – Matthew Boyle) *Must Read*

The ‘See You at the Library’ Alabama Event Was a Huge Success, and a Slap in the Face to the ALA

(Red State – Jennifer Oliver O’Connell)

Iowa School District Reviews 374 Books Flagged For Inappropriate Content

(NewsBusters – Tierin-Rose Mandelburg)

Scotland Admits Chopping Down 16 Million Trees to Make Way for ‘Green’ Wind Energy Farms

(Slay News – Frank Bergman)

This Group Of Self-Described Socialists Is Growing In Numbers And Pushing Local Democrats To The Left

(Daily Caller – Brandon Poulter)

History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia to Steal America

(Gateway Pundit – Jim Hoft) *Must Read*

Mark Levin is Donald Trump’s legal counsel now

(Washington Examiner – Paul Bedard)

Tuberville’s military promotion hold needs to end

(Hot Air – Jazz Shaw)

Elon Musk Vows To Go To War Against Companies That Punish Employees For Activity On X

(Daily Wire – Ryan Saavedra)

Millions Potentially Affected in Colorado Department of Higher Education Data Breach

(Restore Privacy – Sven Taylor)

EVs On a Collision Course With Reality

(Power Line – John Hinderaker) *Must Read*

This Is Your City on Fentanyl

(City Journal – Charles Fain Lehman)

Majority of GOP, Independent Voters Want to End US Aid to Ukraine

(Daily Signal – Rob Bluey)

Vice sells rent control

(Accuracy In Media – Tim Worstall)

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